Study in Prague - universities
Studying in Prague, as well as studying in the Czech Republic in general, is both prestigious and affordable. It is prestigious because Prague is a large educational and business center not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Central Europe. After all, it is here that the oldest university in the Czech Republic and Central Europe is located and one of the oldest universities in the world - Charles University . And many other universities in Prague occupy a worthy place among their European "colleagues". Prague University of Economics , the largest economic university in the Czech Republic, is associated with the names of world renowned economists such as Nobel Prize winners Robert Mundell, Milton Friedman and Gary Becker. A Czech Technical University in Pragueis the oldest non-military technical university in the world. In addition to these three, perhaps the most famous universities in the Czech Republic, study in Prague is also possible at the following state universities:
- Academy of Music Arts in Prague
- Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
- Czech Agricultural University in Prague
- University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague
- Institute of Industry and Arts in Prague
Studying in Prague is also possible at one of the many private universities. Here are just a few of them:
- Banking Institute
- Private Institute of Economic Sciences
- Institute of Applied Law
- Institute of Tourism, Hotel and Sanatorium Business
- Institute of Economics and Management
- Institute of economics and management
- Institute of Management Informatics and Economics
Currently, education in public higher educational institutions of the Czech Republic is free not only for Czechs, but also for foreign students. However, this applies to education in the Czech language. Therefore, young people planning to study in Prague need to prepare well both for the entrance exams and for future studies at the Czech University. First of all, this concerns language training, but do not forget about training in specialized subjects.
Study in Prague - Czech language courses and preparatory courses
Studying in our Czech language courses in Prague is precisely focused on acquiring knowledge that will give applicants a good chance when entering Czech universities. Courses are held on the basis of the largest and most famous Prague universities: Charles University, Technical University in Prague, Prague University of Economics, and Prague Technical University, which guarantees their seriousness and high quality of teaching. After all, experienced teachers from the philological and pedagogical departments of these universities teach in our courses.
Studying in Prague on Czech language courses at large state universities guarantees not only high-quality language training, but also the opportunity to obtain the knowledge necessary for admission in specialized subjects, since many of our Czech language courses in Prague also include preparatory courses in subjects that the applicant will take on entrance exams, and, more importantly, in Czech!
In the course of their studies on courses in Prague, students who plan to enter Prague universities in the future will be able to attend open days at selected universities and, if necessary, additional preparatory courses at universities in specialized subjects.
Studying in Prague - advantages
Studying in Prague is promising for various reasons. On the one hand, the universities have a widespread cooperation with numerous foreign universities, so students from Prague universities can participate in exchange programs (educational programs and internships abroad). On the other hand, great attention is paid to cooperation with large employers - international firms that recruit graduates every year.
One of the events aimed at introducing future graduates of Czech universities to potential employers is Career days, which usually take place in Prague in March. Such well-known companies as Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble, Mars, Unilever, Big Four companies, numerous banks, T-Mobile and other mobile operators, large store chains and other international companies arrange presentations in order to familiarize graduates with their positions, requirements, job prospects with them. Such events help students to better orient themselves in the labor market, assess their opportunities in the future job search in their specialty and find out more companies to which they can send their resume.
Studying in Prague (and in other cities of the Czech Republic) is also the first step towards obtaining permanent residence in the Czech Republic. Obtaining a student visa is quite simple and likely compared to obtaining other types of visas, and a young specialist with a Czech education can easily get a job in the Czech Republic (for this he does not need a work permit) and exchange his study residence permit (which he already has will be by that time) for a worker or entrepreneur (if he has a desire to open his own business), after which, having lived a few more years in the country, he will be able to get permanent residence.
When considering the option of studying in Prague, one should not forget about the good equipment of the Prague universities, as well as the fact that the diploma received in the Czech Republic is recognized in all EU countries, therefore, graduates of Czech universities who decide to try themselves in other countries also have good chance of success. Thus, studying in the Czech Republic, and in particular, in Prague, can be your important step both on the way to life in Europe and in your future successful career.
Studying in Prague has another advantage. As in any other capital, if you want to find a job or a part-time job, in Prague you will undoubtedly have more chances. This applies to both part-time work during courses or study at a university, and looking for work in a specialty after graduation. We recommend starting an active search for future work already in the second semester of the last course, especially since many international companies conduct a multi-level selection, consisting of several rounds and stretching over two months. In this case, studying in Prague will save you time spent on the road for numerous tests, interviews and assessment centers with potential employers.